Monday, August 12, 2013

The French word-of-the-day on my blog gadget today is:
la frénésie de ménage
(fray-nay-zee deuh may-nazh)
meaning: cleaning frenzy 
Well, that's just perfect... I took some photos of my studio and workshop spaces to show you what chaos they are in this week and to prove that stuff is happening, sat down to write this blog post and wouldn't you know what the French word-of-the-day is?...  For those of you that know me, you know that I am the queen of organization, and that this truly is chaos for me. I have so many projects going at one time, new supplies arriving that haven't been unpacked and put away yet and stacks of reading and paperwork waiting for me to do, that I need to stop for a minute and get into a la frenesie de ménage myself.

Want to see where "this" woman creates?
This is my creative studio space, and right now as I am writing this post, this is what it looks like. As messy and chaotic as it is, this is the room that I do small projects and paperwork. It measures 16' x 32', and there is barely a path through it to get to the sewing room!

 This is my workshop. Where I do wood working or furniture projects. It measures approx. 13' x 30' plus some storage space through the door behind it. And this is what it looks like right this minute! Literally lots of projects in the works.

Next are photos of my sewing room. It measures approx. 10' x 30'. And as you can see, it is in need of some attention also!

Again let me remind you that there are lots of projects going on, and normally my spaces are very neat and organized. So throughout the next week or two, while trying to complete some projects, I will also be in a.... "la frénésie de ménage".
So my next post will be before and after pictures of my cleaning progress and just maybe some of my current projects.

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