Thursday, August 22, 2013

So next I moved into the craft studio, piles everywhere, stuff that needed to be mailed, packages needing to be opened and supplies put away. Here is the before picture; (I'm totally embarrassed putting this out here)
Here is the 1st after photo; And I mean after, after 17 hours of sorting, after packing and unpacking boxes, after scrubbing and mopping, and after schlepping stuff from room to room. The desk on the lower right is my "writing desk". Yep, I'm attempting to write a book. Next to it but not in the picture is a TV.
Here is the desk where I do all computer stuff and paperwork. Still waiting on the shelves.

Here is the table where I do small projects and paintings. Goblets and glassware hold trinkets used in projects, and having them out and visible reminds me of what I have available to use and when I might need to reorder.

This is my cutting/wrapping table and storage bin cabinet.

Another dress form and hardware/supply storage.

Wrapping supplies on top of the bar, an antique original "Melvil Dewey" Library-Folio-Cabinet, that I use to store magazines and supplies. Storage shelves next to Dewey, and in the background a large 10' x 7 1/2' cabinet used as candle storage on top and more storage for supplies in the bottom.

Here are my paint storage racks for the 2oz. bottles, paint brushes, books and other small related supplies.

Okay, that concludes the tour of my craft space. I have moved on to the workshop... but before I can really show you anything in there I have to complete some projects that are in line and drying. In the mean time I took some photos of my booths at the Eastbrook Flea Market and Antique Mall to show you, and yes... I have work to do there too!

Come see me or contact me if you see something interesting.
Comment here and I'll get back to you!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Italian word of the day today is:
la lavatriche
Meaning: washing machine

I got another little gadget thingy for my blog and because I've wanted to learn to speak Italian for a long time, it won out over lots of other gadget thingies. This one actually speaks the word for you, just click the button. You can do it as many times as you need to until you can say the word properly. My problem is remembering them later. Anyway....
I have definitely used my "la lavatriche" this week! Remember, the chaos that caused me to go into a "la frénésie de ménage" (fray-nay-zee deuh may-nazh) better known as cleaning frenzy!! (Don't worry, I won't start mixing Italian with French. I wouldn't be able to keep up with what in the world I'm talking about!) Anyway... I have been working through one room at a time. I thought that I would give you a little tour of my space along with my progress report.
I started in the Sewing room. Here is the before picture. Note that the chair is full, the floor is full, and stuff is piled everywhere.
Here are the after pictures;
This one shows the large windows that let in a lot of natural light, and let me watch the rain...which lately has been a lot. Counter space for machines and shelving for fabric storage.
This one shows more fabric storage and my hand sewing chair. Which by the way is now empty and I can actually sit in it if I need to!!! It also shows a basically uncluttered floor! During this room's cleaning, it included washing and ironing 96 vintage white dinner napkins soon to be repurposed.
This one shows my ribbon and trim storage rack, and my button storage, which is the old blue Ball canning jars. A vintage dress-form, one of many in my collection. A vintage Wrights bias tape rack, and my empty chair with a sewing caddy on the arm (Which I sell in my store).

This one shows my thread storage racks, my vintage Coats & Clark thread cabinet, baskets of trims and a couple more sewing machines (covered) that would not fit on the counter and still have room to sew anything.
I love everything to be neat and clean and most of all well organized! I like to stage little vignettes to make things look interesting and inspiring. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

The French word-of-the-day on my blog gadget today is:
la frénésie de ménage
(fray-nay-zee deuh may-nazh)
meaning: cleaning frenzy 
Well, that's just perfect... I took some photos of my studio and workshop spaces to show you what chaos they are in this week and to prove that stuff is happening, sat down to write this blog post and wouldn't you know what the French word-of-the-day is?...  For those of you that know me, you know that I am the queen of organization, and that this truly is chaos for me. I have so many projects going at one time, new supplies arriving that haven't been unpacked and put away yet and stacks of reading and paperwork waiting for me to do, that I need to stop for a minute and get into a la frenesie de ménage myself.

Want to see where "this" woman creates?
This is my creative studio space, and right now as I am writing this post, this is what it looks like. As messy and chaotic as it is, this is the room that I do small projects and paperwork. It measures 16' x 32', and there is barely a path through it to get to the sewing room!

 This is my workshop. Where I do wood working or furniture projects. It measures approx. 13' x 30' plus some storage space through the door behind it. And this is what it looks like right this minute! Literally lots of projects in the works.

Next are photos of my sewing room. It measures approx. 10' x 30'. And as you can see, it is in need of some attention also!

Again let me remind you that there are lots of projects going on, and normally my spaces are very neat and organized. So throughout the next week or two, while trying to complete some projects, I will also be in a.... "la frénésie de ménage".
So my next post will be before and after pictures of my cleaning progress and just maybe some of my current projects.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The French Word-of-the-day on my blog today is:
 manger ses mots
    : to speak inarticulately, to mumble 

At least this time I didn't even try to pronounce it before I pulled up the break down! ha!

But... I have to tell you that while hand finishing chicken wire to have just the right patina, I might have manger ses mots a few times!!! Anyway, it is not a quick process; chemicals, ventilation, sponge brushes, rubber gloves (that never really fit) and all those little twisty wires ugh ~ I knew there was a reason I was saving it for last. I spent the day putting the final touches on this piece so it can go to the store tomorrow. The wax finish on the paint had to cure for a month and finally I could deal with taking the shine off the new chicken wire. Add some knobs and ...

With the matching breakfast table and two chairs I think it will make a cute setting for dorm or small eat-in kitchen or even a sun room. I have several different options for accents to go with these pieces. Well...What do you think?